FIELD: chemistry.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the technology of producing nitrides, particularly titanium nitride, which is a solid, refractory and chemically inert material which is used as coating for cutting and processing tools, for polishing, in making refractory materials, wear resistant and decorative coatings. Titanium nitride powder is obtained via selfpropa gating high-temperature synthesis of composite mixtures based on coarse titanium powder and fine titanium oxide powder on air in freely sprinkled state. Titanium oxide is added in amount of 20-40 wt % of the starting mixture, and the combustion process is initiated by local heating using a nichrome coil on air at atmospheric pressure.
EFFECT: simplification of the process owing to use of composite mixtures of coarse titanium powder and fine titanium oxide powder without further mechanical processing and atmospheric air as a nitrogen-containing medium.