聯系人: 吳逢時
所在地: 北京北京市
與其它裁判軍棋相比其優勢在于:每個棋子除了寫名稱的一個面不同外,其余 5 個面都沒有任何區別;棋子可以象打麻將牌一樣扣著放,在下四國軍棋的時候,不給側面的對手留下任何作弊的機會。
The world’s best military chess with intelligent referee
A military chess with intelligent referee and chess calibration function
Invention patent No.: ZL 201410103035.8
Inventor: Wu Fengshi
1. The inventor was invited to make a special report on the invention patent at the 14th Chinese Scientists Forum held in Beijing in September 2017.
2. Won a silver medal at the 10th International Invention Exhibition held in Foshan in September 2018. (the largest international invention exhibition held in China)
3. Won a gold medal at the second China (Shanghai) International Innovation Exhibition in April 2018.
The normal military chess requires a third person to be a referee given that the two players cannot see each other’s chess pieces. That means a third person must be available so that two persons are able play the game. That’s why the military chess cannot becomea two-player game or a four-player game like other chess categories, which has greatly affectedits popularity. This invention has several advantages – simple structure, low cost, stable long-term performance and the chess is extremely convenient to use. In the game, as soon as the chess pieces played by both sides are put on the tray, the result can be judged immediately. The invention has achieved significant progress in the relatedtechnology.
Two innovations:
1. The chess referee has the function of memorizing chess pieces, based on the principle that each piece corresponds to a number, such as“1” for "military flag", “2” for “bomb" and “3” for "engineer".The memory function operates according to the order of 1 to 12, and the weight of 12 pieces is only different (the weight difference is greater than 0.5g), and there is no other requirement. Thefunction allows the referee to remember the weight value of different pieces, so that the referee can remember the pieces forever, even when power supply is turned off. (In the process, it is also allowed that chess pieces with the same name have certain differences in weight. The referee relies on the software processing method to ensure accurate judgment).
2. There is no electronic component in chess pieces, which can be distinguished by the weight, which brings great convenience to production.
Four advantages:
a. It's very convenient to use. (put chess pieces played by both sides on their respective pallets and judge the result immediately.)
b. The price is very low; (because the chess pieces do not contain any electronic components, the processing technology is very simple, and the domestic price of kitchen weighing sensor is very affordable, at about 10 yuan each. Other components are also very cheap.)
c. No need to worry about the loss or damage of chess pieces; (because of the original function of memorizing the chess pieces, such pieces can be self-made, easy to be replaced by completely different chess pieces, which not only reduces the cost, but also effectively prevents cheating.)
d. We can create new ways of playing the chess. (because there is a one-to-one correspondence between the name and weight of chess pieces, it is very easy to change the pieces of both sides, greatly increasing the flexibility of the game.) Compared with other products, the advantage of this military chess is that each chess piece has no difference except one side of the name (the other five sides are the same); the chess piece can be buckled and put like playing Mahjong, and when playing the four-nation military chess, there is no chance for anyone cheat. The current prototype chess piece makes 12 round holes in a plastic square and makes 12 pieces of different weights by putting 1 to 12 small copper pillars of different numbers, and stick the side with the hole with a name tag. As there are several spare squares and some copper pillars, the chess piece with any name can be replaced at any time, avoiding the loss or damage. For other electronic military chess pieces, the whole box of military chess will become waste if individual pieces are damaged. This patented product can guarantee a pair of military chess to be used all the year round without worrying about the loss or damage of chess pieces.
I think there are following benefits of marketing this patented product. School children don’t have enough time to communicate and play with each other, and they could easily get addicted to the internet, which not only affects their vision, but also easilyforms isolated characters. A cheap and practical electronic military chess like the patented product will enable children to sit down and play together. First, it help students become more intelligent, calm, enhancetheir overall thinking skills, and playing the four-nation military chess will cultivate their team spirit. Second, it can promote the friendship between students. This is really an attractivegame for students.
In China, there are at least 8 million fans of the military chess. If the patented chess can be produced and sold in large quantities, there will have big market potentials and strong sales. Now the prototype chess has been used in some official competitions and is very popular! As the inventor of this unique chess product, I also hope to promote it to the world with the help of famous enterprises, so that people all over the world can love this game, for the benefit of mankind!